Marketplace, Facebook Application

In the early days of the Facebook developer platform, it was extremely easy to rack up user-ship for an app, regardless of what it did. It was a time when Facebook was still figuring out its news feeds algorithm and pretty much any half decent app on Facebook could catch virility. One of the most popular concepts for a Facebook App at the time was the idea of gifting, where you can send your friend digital gifts, which in essence were just little images. My partner and I took that idea and applied it to the world of sneaker collectors and created an app that, at its height, garnered millions of page views per week. Along the way we also added a classifieds features for users to buy/sell/trade their sneakers with each other. When Facebook eventually updated its newsfeeds to rid itself of all the noise from the apps, our numbers plummeted. We then decided to spin the classifieds section off as its own product and we called it